Hello everyone! Has your October been Spook-tacular yet? I know mine has, since I was able to attend Paige Moonshade's House of Doom! It was a very exciting event, and although I wasn't lucky enough to win any prizes, I still had a blast! I'd like to thank Ms. Moonshade very much for hosting this event, as she needed a large amount of patience to handle all of the guests at her house! I've never seen someone handle a party like this so well, so once again, thank you Paige Moonshade! For those of you her weren't able to attend last night, don't you worry! The House of Doom will be returning October 19th for one hour! Visit Paige's Page for more info! Are you busy that day too? No problem! I decided to take some pictures of the exciting event to show all of you!
Say hello to the early bird crew! We showed up two hours early!
First arriving into the House of Doom, while objects were still loading!
Don't Feed the Monsters!
That's one scary room!
Does anyone else see the floating book?
This room is scary! Keep Dr. Von away from me!
Floating candles are an awesome effect!
I've gotten eaten by the house! I'm locked in the dungeon!
One intense game of tag!
My perfect hiding place!
Where's Watson?
They'll never find me behind this...
Once again, thank you very much Paige for such a spook-tastic event! I can't wait to see what you have in store next year!
Until next time!
I just found this post. truly awesome!